Friday, April 22, 2011


So I'm thinking that there might be a possible unknown outside narrative to our presence here in Red Hook.

Being that the negative feedback usually flows in a roundabout way, whispered in the shadows, I must therefore use my imagination.

I suppose it went something like this:

"ooo, a new store is opening. Great! What a cute cartoon character... awesome."

"Wait a GODDAMN minute! That's not appropriate for a Family neighborhood."
you made me gay

"Toys!?!! Unicorns! yay!"
what the

"Sexual innuendo??? I have kids, ass-clown! DON'T MAKE ME BEAT YOU!"
black friday in red hook

"Whoah. A Fire Truck."

fire marshal bill


"Yoga? I luvvvv yoga. That's great!"

"ohhh, now you hate white people. I swear on my dead mother that I hope your dead mother drops dead!!!"

"Snow mountain dioramas! kewl"

"What's with all this cuss words on trees, and faggoty penis porn?!! I HAVE KIDS WHO CAN READ! I'm gonna kick yer ass!"
slow down!  on Twitpic

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

dicken around saturday night

the performance saturday night was just a warmup for over 4 hours of assing around.

with greggycrisco, Gorgas, Diane, Mollie, Derrick & Pamela
super awesome 'Homizio' font by Álvaro Thomáz.