I had a bit of a sluggish week, dealing with suddenly warm weather and a burst of pollen into the air. as I plodded through, b forged ahead with the technical aspects of the site. finally on sunday we had diane come over, a former co-worker at dna who had modeled for us a year and half ago. since then b has beefed up his lighting equipment and we were able to shoot the session smooth as silk. having t-shirts modeled helps a lot when selling them on a website. all t-shirts are cut differently and it's good to be able to see how they fit. paste t-shirts come in men's and women's cuts, the women's made of a lighter, stretchier fabric. some of the styles were only available for men, so I ordered a few extra smalls. you'll be able to see the difference in how they're cut when the whole collection is presented. I'm going to have b model some of the shirts too, so you can see how they look on a real man. shown are paste's just say yo and chouette's unisex squares t in black/blue.
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