Friday, November 27, 2009

everbrite mercantile at the gifted holiday market

I have to admit. This was the first time at a flea market in which I enjoyed myself most of the time there. Usually I get bored, wander a lot and let Mollie handle most of the "public interface" thing. This time I was deeper in the mix; more in tune with the scene.

We'll be back at East 4th and Lafayette on the next 2 wednesdays (December 2 and 9)... hump day.

with free beer and a DJ, or so I'm told.

  - "and friend"

p.s. - on a totally unrelated subject, I spotted this sign on a seat at the back of the bus in Brooklyn on the way home:
no littering, spiting, smoking, f*cking, radio playing

The way I see it... if you HAVE TO TELL people this sort of thing, the Four Horsemen have already come and gone long ago.


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super awesome 'Homizio' font by Álvaro Thomáz.