Salesmanship is not my thing. There are those who can "turn it on and off". You see them like a lion going into kill mode: going from grousing about something or other to an instant "game face" and easy going demeanor when a customer comes by. Only to drop back into grousing mode seconds later.
Thankfully, such schizo behavior (known in business circles as "professionalism") is sort of rare at the Brooklyn Flea. Most vendors at The Flea are crafts people, artisans and local retailers who are an easygoing bunch. You won't find many super-aggro D-bags there... just a bunch of cool people playing a fun game called Flea Market, and who have a more intimate connection with the things they sell. Whether it's something they made with their own hands or a finely curated collection of artifacts and objects that truly fascinate and inspire them - whatever it is, chances are it's close to them. It's in their blood.
That is probably why I had a good time at The Flea' Gifted Holiday Market yesterday. The Digital Harinezumi camera was very popular with the crowd. Being an INTENSE film/photo/video enthusiast for many years, I was all excited to talk about this tricky little toy camera - it's faux silent Super8 images, the tinier-than-your-pinky-nail usb adapter we bundle with it.... blah blah.
Yeah, I'm a nerd.

Digital Harinezumi
Usually its Mollie doing all the presenting with the array of tchotkes and stylish items she's curated.
I guess these events help to provide me with the opportunity to be a more socialized human being; a forum to share intensely personal interests.
If Flea vendors were merely salesmen or marketeers they would probably do better financially by selling for giant SatanCo conglomerates or peddling wire coat hangers wholesale. But we choose to engage in stuff beyond pure profit motive - playing with other edges, pursuing passions, choosing to share a piece of ourselves. Its a group of enthusiasts doing their thing.
Just about everyone at The Flea is getting their jones on.
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