Some wild hair must have crawled up my ass yesterday because I walked around the corner to Coffey Street and finally ordered some plate glass from Buddy at B.C. Glass.

I also got a new top for the old Sodafine showcase that Erin Weckerle sold us. I had accidentally shattered it last week... I didn't mind because it was scratched up pretty badly. (not pictured here)
But this new showcase (with no glass) had been sitting around being used as a "table". Also it has these unsupported spindly log-like fence posts for legs... super crappy.
When we were initially building out the store, I decided to use "found" components from Lowes. We briefly floated the idea of sourcing reclaimed wood for some High Concept sustainable blah blah "green" blah eco-conscious blah.
But then I asked myself "What is sustainable?"
Does sustainable mean that trucking some former warehouse/barn/farm-house lumber in from upstate or Michigan or the South somehow magically makes us ethical and conscious... or just plain sanctimonious and pretentious.
I eventually concluded that sourcing whatever I could find at Lowes (via their highly-optimized supply chain) and muscling tons of it over to Red Hook on my handy convertible handcart/dolly was the easiest, cheapest method. It was also sort of interesting to see what could be created from such generic, average materials.
Anyway, this piece-o-crap fence-post legged showcase thing. FINALLY got some glass in it today and I rediscovered some backyard logs and twigs that Kim had used for our Desolate Winterland Christmas window display.

so I super-crappified the legs with somewhat structural triangulation in a rough cobby frontier-style that would look perfectly at home in a Baja California clapboard shack. My "concept" here is "How would a lazy, crazy drunken Indian with no skills or sense of pride build this?"
I'm sorry... I think it's spelled "Injun".
I suppose I'll oil this up tomorrow and line it with velvet.
This bad boy opens up on heavy duty drawer slides. Hopefully no one leans on it in full-open position or it might topple right over like the Flintstone's car fully loaded with Brontosaurus ribs.

I hate when that happens.
And on the other side of the store: Another log for the new children's clothing section, made to appear as if it is lashed together with rope. My concept for this display is "WHAT THE F*CK?!!?"

Now Mollie has gotta jam some stuff inside of all this new showcase real estate.
bitchen stuff.
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