Friday, May 20, 2011


...and it's all yer fault f*ckin greg.

with yer big gay penis art and it's grotesque depictions of giant rock hard throbbing members spewing stuff. Nice job, asshole.
you and yer cock art. YOU AND YER COCK ART. Now it's the End of the World and it's ALL YOUR FAULT.

you see what happens? You SEE What Happens!? It's all fun n' Games, Rainbows n' Unicorns, cocks n' jizz --- a big faggoty barrel of goddamm butt-luvvin laffs --- til someone gets hurt.

And in this case that "someone" is every-last-one-of-us purged from the craggy face of this sick sad world by the almighty Gawwd. May 21st, Judgement Day, is upon us thanks to WHORACLE.

you HAD to do it: honestly express your "feelings" and communicate yer "homo-love" lifestyle, making Yahweh angry.
Mo: "Oooooo, what are ya gonna do Saturday?"

Shmo: "I'm going to take a nice stroll around the park. Get some Sno Cones for the kids. Ride bikes maybe."

Mo: "Ohhhhh Sorrr-eee. That sounds pleasant, but you can't do that CUZ WE'RE ALL GONNA F*CKIN DIE!!!"
Thanks a lot, Greg.



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super awesome 'Homizio' font by Álvaro Thomáz.