Friday, December 17, 2010

birds do it. bees do it...

Even horny Santa's reindeers do it

oooo baby yer sooo good

back it up bitch

okee doke... to be clear - I know that "Vixen" isn't an official Santa reindeer name. But it sounds close enough to Blitzen, and I got enough ethanol in my veins to kill an ox so my opinion counts.

We call this "artistic license", bee-yotches.

Reindeer paper clips 16 bucks a jar. Git Some!

note: post inspired by Kim White's ribald and far more artistic paper clip item photos. Most of which have not been released for public consumption.


  1. hahahahahahahahaahahahah!!!!!! I lovvvvvvvvvve. (But Vixen is a legit reindeer name... he' 4th in the line-up... Blitzen is last).

  2. someone might have been a little inebriated when he wrote this post.


super awesome 'Homizio' font by Álvaro Thomáz.