Wednesday, December 28, 2011

We're closing our Red Hook location


I'm pulling down wall units from the store and returning it to 'white box' condition. Merchandise still strewn about, marked down further. come by and git some.
Sunday, January 15th 2012 will be our last day open at the Everbrite Mercantile Red Hook store.

We are extremely thankful for the many fine people we've had the pleasure of meeting along with the strange and interesting things we've experienced while running this odd retail experiment here on the Brooklyn waterfront.
Our store on the Web is still active and will continue uninterrupted.

We're actually taking some time early in the new year to rebuild and re-launch it in an amusing and tricky new expanded HTML5 version that is more fitting of our playful sensibilities... that should be a lot of fun. (Yes, I AM proud of that long ass sentence.)
Starting this New Years weekend we will be selling off various furniture/displays, tools, and many items on markdown.

You know where we're at:
351 Van Brunt Street... between Wolcott and Dikeman.

Clearing out the old... how about the new?
Will we re-launch a new space sometime in the future?
If so, will it be a retail space or something different?
An event space perhaps? A series of pop-ups? In Brooklyn? Elsewhere?

Elsewhere??!?!!! Where? when? how? why?
Stay tuned. It will be Maximum wonderful.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

origamitron 2

All throughout December at our Red Hook location.

Monday, October 31, 2011

et/per/se/and ... amuse-bouche

UPDATE!!! - PARTY to close the show this Saturday. December 3rd at 8:00pm til whenever.

all month:
Et/per/se/and is the chairman of the alchemical media department of New Human Dreamtime International, (N.H.D.I.) a global conglomerate of high frequency media corporations located within the lush peaks and valleys of Sir Wilhelm's wild grey coif. As chair of the board, his goal is to transmute the abundance of low frequency old media trash into a visceral and golden melange of high frequency eduascenciontainment.

plus amuse-bouche performance on Saturday the 19th, 8:00pm
am assemblage of art/performance/film Curated by Kay n' Gorgas

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Yoga Thursday Nights 8pm

Thursday nights in October - Yoga
8:00pm to 9:00pm

Friday, September 30, 2011

A Woman Grows in Brooklyn

OCT 3 - 30, 2011

Join FeleciaMaria on her journey from college grad dropped in NYC from the West with two suitcases and a yearning to dance; to choreographer, clothing designer, yoga teacher, wife and mother of two, living with her new family in a multi-generational Brooklyn home.

FRI. OCT. 7, 5:00 - 10:00 PM

SAT. OCT. 22, 8:00 - 9:00 PM
part of ebmerc’s fourth saturdays performance series: $5 suggested donation

THURSDAYS, OCT. 6, 13, 20, 27
8:00 - 9:00 PM

Felecia will create a line of fall clothing for Everbrite Mercantile as she is surrounded by paintings created by her 2 1/2 year old daughter, and is inspired by the growth of a new artist.
dates and times TBA: see ebmerc's events calender at

Thursday, September 8, 2011

i only had one

Saturday evening September 24th, Diane Tomasi curates the event "i only had one"
Colleen Culley, Gorgas, Susan Quinn, Becky Radway, Sara Roer, Suiso Ogawa and others join Diane in this night of art and performance.

starts at 8:00 pm

There will likely be much drinking, random improv and noise making following the performance. (There always is)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Not Out Of The Woods Yet

Can you believe it? Another art show is opening at Everbrite Mercantile Co. this Saturday.

Not Out Of The Woods Yet reflects Alejandro Teichberg's semi-urban perspective of nature from which he is inseparable, yet alienated. Teichberg weaves natural themes together with personal memory, and allegory into landscapes that represent his psychic environment.

Just like our bodies react to exposure, so do our minds, well- marinated in processed foods and sensory overload. As every minute is layered with contradiction- tinged truths, the definition of nature expands while the very edges of the woods shrink. Despite these discords the mind ties the loose ends into a relatively uniform whole.

Alé, a old friend from my Richmond days, will be showing his collection of richly painted canvases. The opening will include intermittent sounds by ambient-experimental project Muilch.

Alejandro Teichberg
Not Out Of The Woods Yet
September 3 - October 2

Opening Reception 5-10 pm
Everbrite Mercantile Co.
351 Van Brunt St.
Brooklyn, NY 11231

Thursday, August 4, 2011

John Stein - Recent works and The Adventures of Grampa

Meet John Stein.

In his mind lives an alternate world that spans three major epochs of power struggles and change.

Join us Saturday, August 6th, for his opening reception. 3pm til closing.

click on image for larger view

Thursday, July 21, 2011

this is yer brain on drugs

Finery, frippery, gee-gaws, gadgets and ephemera.
Quite a few things you've never seen in your life up to now.
Uncommon fanciful things.
Obscure objects of desire.

There is a critical mass of such stuff at our Red Hook store at the moment.


Things from rural Pennsylvania farm country strewn about the front.

A rifle case. It probably had a .22 bolt action in it at one time. I made a rubberband assault rifle that fits perfectly inside.

Look. He's smiling.

All sorts o' stuff - jewelry, Pop Chart Lab posters, vintage shoes...

Ye Olde cardiac monitor.

A 52-year-old painted bamboo calendar. We have a selection of these with various artwork screened on them.

Decades old lighters. They all light on the first strike.

Jao in the house, sharing space with Patent medicine bottles from the 1800s

Kreepy Dolls. Always unique: Never the same doll twice.

Mmmmm, this death is cool and refreshing. It has the "Thinking man's filter and the Smoking man's taste"
No wait that's Viceroys, sorry.

Who doesn't like mugs? No one doesn't like mugs.

I got yer mudra right here, buddy!

Kegan Fisher's Cusp of Conflux in the gallery.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


circles, squares, rectangles

surrender the fixation on words.
replace with fascination for shapes and horrible Photoshop filters

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Celebrating Our Nation's Independence

In-store purchases this weekend in Red Hook get an extra bonus.

These vintage magazines are actually lightweight compared to the stuff your 10-year-old regularly views on the interwebs here. They also contain some hard-nosed political criticism - you know: to balance out the sleaziness. Much of the same issues we face today are echoed in the pages of these 70s thru 90s "smut" publications.

delicious retro fragments of the Historical Record.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

...and a session of intuitive bodywork broke out

We've had Gay Charleston dance parties manifest themselves, so really nothing is unexpected at what some locals refer to as "that crazy place".

so, yeah, anything is possible.

This evening: the gallery of Kegan Fisher paintings somehow became a sacred space for Felecia's own version of muscle-release bodywork which seemed to help Mollie immensely (and me too: while sprawled on the floor taking these pictures, some pain/cluster thing in my shoulder gave way.)

That's how things happen here in Mollie and B's Happy fun land: flow, recognize, re-flow... always spotting the magic.

So if you are interested in private yoga and/or bodywork sessions, Felecia is available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays here at the Everbrite space, $85 per session.

contact her here:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Kegan Fisher's CUSP OF CONFLUX

Kegan Fisher
paintings & drawings
June 25 - July 31

CUSP OF CONFLUX explores the moment before everything ends. It seeks to capture time as so incomparably quiet, so impossibly still, that we are unaware if movement persists.

Kegan Fisher's new collection of paintings and drawings is composed of works constructed around horizon lines, tight as skin stretched around sockets, full of memory and yesterday. Worlds are full of elemental structures that have long outlived their architects. Skies droop like wet cotton, with clouds hung up to dry.

Fisher's artwork encapsulates the point at which development has ceased, cities are empty, and we stand as voyeurs, witness to a silent future.

sat. june 25 1-7pm

Everbrite Mercantile Co.
351 Van Brunt St.
Brooklyn, NY 11231

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mister Kamado the donabe

Yeah, that's my own lame "engrish" translation.

Dig: After bringing the donabe to a boil on a medium-high flame, and letting it cook for about 4 minutes, you shut the flame off.

Let it stand for 20 minutes, then it's eatin' time.

Yummy rice. fruffy n' delicious. The burned crunchy part at the bottom - that's my favorite part.

Friday, May 20, 2011


...and it's all yer fault f*ckin greg.

with yer big gay penis art and it's grotesque depictions of giant rock hard throbbing members spewing stuff. Nice job, asshole.
you and yer cock art. YOU AND YER COCK ART. Now it's the End of the World and it's ALL YOUR FAULT.

you see what happens? You SEE What Happens!? It's all fun n' Games, Rainbows n' Unicorns, cocks n' jizz --- a big faggoty barrel of goddamm butt-luvvin laffs --- til someone gets hurt.

And in this case that "someone" is every-last-one-of-us purged from the craggy face of this sick sad world by the almighty Gawwd. May 21st, Judgement Day, is upon us thanks to WHORACLE.

you HAD to do it: honestly express your "feelings" and communicate yer "homo-love" lifestyle, making Yahweh angry.
Mo: "Oooooo, what are ya gonna do Saturday?"

Shmo: "I'm going to take a nice stroll around the park. Get some Sno Cones for the kids. Ride bikes maybe."

Mo: "Ohhhhh Sorrr-eee. That sounds pleasant, but you can't do that CUZ WE'RE ALL GONNA F*CKIN DIE!!!"
Thanks a lot, Greg.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

the most badass gallery in South Brooklyn

Yeah I said it. I make that declaration only for the turf of South Bk, because the most badass space in all of Brooklyn is Brooklynite Gallery in Bed Stuy. I won't deny them their well-earned props.

Back to us: we have a whole string of artists lined up from now through Winter. Mollie now extends her touch from the store into the gallery space as well.

Currently we're (still) featuring the work of greggycrisco until the end of the May.

greggycrisco's WHORACLE!

yesssss, His Gayness still permeates our back door room gallery (and almost universally ignored by local art mavens who would rather expound the virtues of the latest churn of Home Decorating Store purdyness and investment/speculation-worthy Art-With-a-Capital-"A").

Those who have been here have shown their appreciation and for that we give thanks.

So come see his work before everyone else discovers how "cool" it is and diminishes your hard-won cred by having to tell you about it first.

and by "cool" I mean "retarded-genius-retarded"

there are some who think he ranks as merely retarded-retarded.
We know his normal might be challenging to your normal, and we're okay with that.

remember: everyone's a winner, and you can bring a friend.

Friday, April 22, 2011


So I'm thinking that there might be a possible unknown outside narrative to our presence here in Red Hook.

Being that the negative feedback usually flows in a roundabout way, whispered in the shadows, I must therefore use my imagination.

I suppose it went something like this:

"ooo, a new store is opening. Great! What a cute cartoon character... awesome."

"Wait a GODDAMN minute! That's not appropriate for a Family neighborhood."
you made me gay

"Toys!?!! Unicorns! yay!"
what the

"Sexual innuendo??? I have kids, ass-clown! DON'T MAKE ME BEAT YOU!"
black friday in red hook

"Whoah. A Fire Truck."

fire marshal bill


"Yoga? I luvvvv yoga. That's great!"

"ohhh, now you hate white people. I swear on my dead mother that I hope your dead mother drops dead!!!"

"Snow mountain dioramas! kewl"

"What's with all this cuss words on trees, and faggoty penis porn?!! I HAVE KIDS WHO CAN READ! I'm gonna kick yer ass!"
slow down!  on Twitpic

super awesome 'Homizio' font by Álvaro Thomáz.