Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Dr. Zaius Alpha Ape Bowling Challenge

Most of the time I like to make shit up at the last minute.

The Dr. Zaius Alpha Ape Bowling Challenge is the latest of my Lucy Ricardo/Ethel Mertz-style harebrained schemes.

See the way it works is: come into the store tomorrow (Friday Jan 14) and challenge me to a round of bowling * on the machine here. If you beat me, you'll win a prize. What prize? I don't know. I'll figure that out when the time comes.

Why are we doing this? Because I'm bored that's why.

Business hours are 11am to 7pm. Plus we're dicken around after hours - the Challenge continues until we leave for the night.

Perhaps one of these fine things will be yours:

a "Sweet Mama" calendar

A wooden choking hazard

a cute little vintage Pigeon lighter (fully functional)

a Bowling Dude keychain

An antique Ronson Whirlwind lighter

...or whatever the hell else I decide to give away

* - limit one round of bowling per customer (unless I get all riled up and want to play you more.)

1 comment:

super awesome 'Homizio' font by Álvaro Thomáz.