Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mister Kamado the donabe

Yeah, that's my own lame "engrish" translation.

Dig: After bringing the donabe to a boil on a medium-high flame, and letting it cook for about 4 minutes, you shut the flame off.

Let it stand for 20 minutes, then it's eatin' time.

Yummy rice. fruffy n' delicious. The burned crunchy part at the bottom - that's my favorite part.

Friday, May 20, 2011


...and it's all yer fault f*ckin greg.

with yer big gay penis art and it's grotesque depictions of giant rock hard throbbing members spewing stuff. Nice job, asshole.
you and yer cock art. YOU AND YER COCK ART. Now it's the End of the World and it's ALL YOUR FAULT.

you see what happens? You SEE What Happens!? It's all fun n' Games, Rainbows n' Unicorns, cocks n' jizz --- a big faggoty barrel of goddamm butt-luvvin laffs --- til someone gets hurt.

And in this case that "someone" is every-last-one-of-us purged from the craggy face of this sick sad world by the almighty Gawwd. May 21st, Judgement Day, is upon us thanks to WHORACLE.

you HAD to do it: honestly express your "feelings" and communicate yer "homo-love" lifestyle, making Yahweh angry.
Mo: "Oooooo, what are ya gonna do Saturday?"

Shmo: "I'm going to take a nice stroll around the park. Get some Sno Cones for the kids. Ride bikes maybe."

Mo: "Ohhhhh Sorrr-eee. That sounds pleasant, but you can't do that CUZ WE'RE ALL GONNA F*CKIN DIE!!!"
Thanks a lot, Greg.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

the most badass gallery in South Brooklyn

Yeah I said it. I make that declaration only for the turf of South Bk, because the most badass space in all of Brooklyn is Brooklynite Gallery in Bed Stuy. I won't deny them their well-earned props.

Back to us: we have a whole string of artists lined up from now through Winter. Mollie now extends her touch from the store into the gallery space as well.

Currently we're (still) featuring the work of greggycrisco until the end of the May.

greggycrisco's WHORACLE!

yesssss, His Gayness still permeates our back door room gallery (and almost universally ignored by local art mavens who would rather expound the virtues of the latest churn of Home Decorating Store purdyness and investment/speculation-worthy Art-With-a-Capital-"A").

Those who have been here have shown their appreciation and for that we give thanks.

So come see his work before everyone else discovers how "cool" it is and diminishes your hard-won cred by having to tell you about it first.

and by "cool" I mean "retarded-genius-retarded"

there are some who think he ranks as merely retarded-retarded.
We know his normal might be challenging to your normal, and we're okay with that.

remember: everyone's a winner, and you can bring a friend.

super awesome 'Homizio' font by Álvaro Thomáz.