I set out yesterday afternoon to lay down a coat of oil on the old weathered front door of the Red Hook storefront (allegedly 150 years old and in recent years reclaimed from some other Brooklyn building, but I don't really know.)
Then I notice that a big hunk of thick veneer was hanging off of the center part just above the kick plate, 3/4ths of it had come unglued.
But I didn't want to waste a few hours pulling the heavy beast off it's jamb - 3 hinges with 10 monster screws apiece. 30 screws, big door, by myself, hell no!
So, I shaved some of the bottom of the veneer off with a utility knife because it had been waterlogged and expanded... and using a zip tie repeatedly dipped in glue to snake that glue across the back of the veneer... plus some scrap wood made into wedges and flats on the chop saw...
I used the existing kick plate mounting holes and some longer drywall screws to create a makeshift "vice" until the glue dried, tapping the wedges in to get a good, tight seal.

Ta-Daaa! Though it rained last night, this morning the glue was dry.
Time to oil The Beast.

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